
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mumbo Jumbo

Yay!!! Spring break, y'all :)
I was so excited and hungry (literally and figuratively) for this break. Not only has it been the most tiring academically, but this quarter has also been draining emotionally and spiritually. It's hard to admit that I've had a rough quarter because it makes it seem all too real, but I guess accepting it has helped me process everything that went on throughout the past few months. I think I'm a pretty optimistic person when it comes to my friendships, hoping that everyone will get along and everything will work out the way I planned it. However, that is far from the truth. I feel as though I walked an easy path for my whole life, I haven't had some massive struggle thrown at me all at once, but I know that God doesn't make your life easy peasy lemon squeezy. Though I haven't gone through anything significantly dramatic, I think a lot of stress and pressure has been slowly building up in me to the point where I'm so excited that break came when it did. I'm just waiting for my professors to put up my score online. Can't truly relax until then...sighhh.
My community in EPIC has been such a blessing, though imperfect (what fellowship is perfect?), I have found that going to EPIC really helps me grow in my servitude and attitude towards God. Do I always want to do slides? Not necessarily. It's hard when there's miscommunication and schoolwork due the next day, but is my complaining glorifying God? Nope. If I'm going to do it, I want to do it with a joyful heart. It's a challenge, but EPIC has really shown me how to be patient and loving towards my brothers and sisters, and I hope to be more positive in the upcoming quarter and the years to come. It's easy to write, but doing it and acting it out is going to be a million times harder. I have found myself constantly doing a half-butt job and become irritable at people who were trying to help. Talking about it negatively and being dragged into the negative viewpoint of this and that is extremely easy. I'm not in some honeymoon phase where everything seems to be unicorns, butterflies, and rainbows. Seriously though, I know there are things that could be done differently. I know that there are holes that can be patched. I also know, however, that this isn't going to happen if everyone decides to leave. If I have a problem with something, maybe I should suggest a solution rather than cursing. This is for God, not myself, not the acceptance of man, and not for self-glorification.
School. School. School. Oh how I love to hate thee. It's been a rough quarter. First off, I only really enjoyed one out of my four classes this quarter. The only class with a teacher I didn't want to throw tomatoes at, honestly. Going through Ecclesiastes this quarter, and today at church, I am constantly reminded that everything we work for is vanity, and work is used to glorify God in joy. This. is. so. HARD. So many times I compare my workload with engineers because I feel as though I have to act like my major is equal to theirs. It's not. English is soooo much different than engineering, quite the opposite, actually. I need to focus on the ways in which I can joyfully do what I love, rather than torturing myself in comparing my work to theirs. It will never match up. You cannot compare apples and oranges, and I'm going to stop doing so. On the upside, writing is something I'm definitely passionate about, and I totally found that out through my creative non-fiction writing class. It's a bit different than writing about your feelings on a blog, but creatively getting your juices flowing, and putting your experiences onto paper is an amazing feeling. Professor Coffman's English 386 Section 1 class, you will always and forever be my favorite group of people and my favorite class. What kind of class do you go to where you can confidently say hi to any one of the 30 people outside of class or in the hallways? It's just so rare! Never have I seen such vulnerability in a room of strangers, and it got me so inspired! You go, class, you go. I wish I could take that class for the rest of my college experience. IT WAS JUST THAT GOOD! A kind of treasure amongst a pile of rubbish, I suppose. Gosh, I could talk about that class for daysssss, but I'm also excited for a new start in a fresh new quarter. Hopefully a healthier one, too.
Golly this post is getting long so I'll wrap it up here. Such a mish mosh of weirdness and emotions, but this blog has helped me process so many things, it's cray cray.
With a mushy brain,
Women's Time: Sophomore Edition
All smiles. Coffee date with Lena leenie :) 
Avila Beach at sunset with these lovelies
YOLO Hair dye edition


  1. Omg loved this post!! Especially the part about your part in EPIC and how you've seen your role in a whole different perspective. For me in my time of life, it's been personally difficult for me to stay patient, loving, and positive also and I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on it. I hope your next quarter classes are more enjoyable and your love for your brothers and sisters continues to grow :)

    1. (: Thanks Amanda!! You're so encouraging! It's been interesting in this past quarter, but hopefully I can go into this next one with more perspective! I hope you've been enjoying work, and I love your commute blessings posts. Makes me miss the bay haha :)
