This year definitely had its moments where I wanted to pack up and go home, but at the end of the day I was blessed tremendously. Who would have thought a girl with no friends at the beginning of the year and was thinking about transferring would come out with the best group of girls I could ask for? I'm not saying that our little group is perfect, but friendships take time, energy, and communication, and I know that, in the future, everything will fall into place. I trust God in paving a path that teaches me what I need to learn, and one that will eventually work in my favor. I have definitely grown a lot this year, becoming independent, learning how to manage my time more wisely, owning up to my faults, and I don't look back with any regrets. I made it through the year without getting into a fight, confronting the problem headfirst, and understanding other people's point of view, and I think that's a pretty big accomplishment because I usually hate confrontation. With every relationship comes issues and sometimes talking it out and listening makes for a quick and easy solution. Now enough of the "lessons I've learned" stuff and onwards to the many crazy fun adventures I went on this past quarter. So in my college career I met some interesting (to say the least) people along the way. People who messed up my sleep schedule, took me places I've never been before, and shared so many laughs I don't know how I don't have a six pack. Whether it be making bets (you still owe me a calendar Winnie) or watching the sunset on the beach I had immeasurable amounts of fun, and it opened my eyes to the crazy cool things you can do in SLO. SLO is definitely what you make of it, and so far I've enjoyed every last bit. Cannot wait to go back!

My amazing apartment mates aka The Hot Commodities (Men's Appreciation)
Sunrise (Bishop Peak)
Sunset (Montana de Oro)
Milk, my favorite, with my favorite (LA Bay-Bay)
Last farmers market of the year
Bonfire and bacon son (Grover Beach)
Winston's graduation :'(
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